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Does Chiu Chownese still survive in the Wu Family?

Does Chiu Chownese still survive in the Wu family? The answer is ... YES!

Despite the language shift in the Wu family, Chiu Chownese is remained. Until now, both Chiu Chownese and Cantonese are used at home among the three generations.

Close bonding between family members

Such maintenance of Chiu Chownese is attributed to the close bonding between family members and the help of a Chiu Chownese babysitter. The three generations have been living together in Hong Kong. Since the oldest generation can only communicate in Chiu Chownese, Chiu Chownese becomes the only common language across the generations. Therefore, family is a motivation for learning Chiu Chownese. Emily says that sometimes when she and other siblings encounter unfamiliar Chiu Chownese phrases, they would take the initiative to ask their parents about the meanings of those phrases.

Chiu Chownese babysitter

Interestingly, the youngest generation was taken care by a Chiu Chownese babysitter in early childhood. There is additional transmission of Chiu Chownese from the babysitter.

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